Similarly created like the breeds of the German Shepherd and Belgian Shepherd, the Dutch Shepherd dog was found as native, herding dogs in Netherland farms. A pure breed, this type of dog has remained the same more than 100 years ago. It is considered as one of the only three breeds of shepherd dogs. The two are the German and Belgian shepherds.
The main role of the Dutch Shepherd dog is to herd the flocks of sheep away from the crops or bringing the flock to the meadows. This dog also herds cows from the fields and bring them for milking.
As time passed, the Dutch Shepherd dog’s functions have modified to more responsibilities, such as watchdogs, and when properly trained, they can also serve as search and tracking dogs.
Traits and Behavior
Gifted with a natural shepherding temperament, Dutch Shepherd dogs are intelligent, intuitive, alert, and reliable. With these natural traits, they are excellent dog companions on the farms.
Because they act as animal herders, training on them must be rigid, consistent, and firm for these dogs to spontaneously learn their cues and commands.
On top of these good characteristics, these dogs are also affectionate and happy to be with.
All it takes is proper handling and training on them with the trainer showing firmness and leadership most especially when these dogs are grouped in packs.
Since they get along with people and other animals, a proper method of socialization training is recommended to guide them more into their boundaries.
Pet Care and Diseases
There are no known physical or mental hereditary diseases found in Dutch Shepherd dogs. Except for an occasional dysplasia, these dogs are sturdy and live longer.
What would be required of them, since they tend to be always active and on the run, is a regular exercise program of running and walking in open and large spaces. These dogs make good jogging companions.
Depending on their type of hair, regular grooming of combing and brushing is recommended to remove dead and loose hairs and maintain their coat shine which is drawn from the natural oils in their skin. Bathing is done only when necessary.
Some of this breed suffers from goniodysplasia, a condition where the outflow of fluid in the eye is restricted and, therefore, may result in blindness.
There are no real findings as to the causes of this disease. A regular visit to the vet is a necessary regimen.
The Dutch Shepherd dog exudes a well-proportioned, medium-sized body structure.
The height of an adult male is around 57-62 cm while an adult female is around 55-60 cm. The typical weight for both a male and female Dutch Shepherd Dog is about 29-30 kg.
Their protective coats come in three varieties: long-haired where hair is flat and harsh, short-haired where hair is hard, and, finally, the wire-haired where hair is tousled and dense.
Heavy white markings are found on the chest and feet. Coat colors are the same but the brindles vary from gold and silver to blue.
Its facial structure shows that this dog’s muzzle is slightly longer, eyes are dark and almond-shaped, ears are erect and of the medium-size, deep chest, feet are oval, well-knit toes and tail is slightly curved.
General Information
Life expectancy for this breed is approximately 12-15 years. The average litter size is 8-12 puppies. Other names include Hollandse Herder, Dutch Shepherd and Holland Shepherd.
Breed Club
Visit this dog club website dedicated to Dutch Shepherd Dogs. Click this link: http://www.dsdca.org/