
The Toy terriers are a result of breeding the Old English Terrier and Manchester Terrier. The outcome has resulted in small types of dogs but with extreme ability to move and run fast and agile in hunting small animals and vermin.

English Toy Terrier trees background

Due to this impressive skill, a betting game was created among the English men, during the 1800s, such that a terrier was placed in a pit of several rats to see how many of these rats and how long will they be eliminated by the terriers.

The game became so popular that there were attempts to develop another type of breed among toy terriers and other small dogs.

The result, however, failed to produce a better or improved breed. In lieu were of less quality with genetic defects and susceptible to a poor health condition which resulted in a decrease in its population.

English Toy Terrier close up

Today, the English toy terriers are bred and trained as dog companions. Despite this development, their population has become a rarity especially in areas outside of Europe.

Traits and Behavior

As a pet dog, the Toy terrier loves affection and playing a lot with children and its owner. They are obedient to such an extent that they rely most on their trainer/owner and sometimes this reliance can pose a disadvantage as they can readily become lapdogs.

English Toy Terrier with owner

In terms of their abilities and skills, these dogs were bred to be hunting dogs so much so that even if their main use is no longer in hunting, they remain quick and responsive in chasing small dogs, or other animals within their environment.

They are intelligent, stubborn, and highly dominant compared to other animals or dogs; therefore training them must be conducted by a strict and confident trainer or owner.

The toy terrier is great for indoor living or in small apartment spaces; however, they have issues regarding separation anxiety.

If the owner is a frequent traveller or probably works most of his/her time outside of the house, the terrier may develop a nervous breakdown such as biting, chewing, destroying properties and even not cooperating.

Socializing at a young age can help them be friendly with young children, strangers or even other pet dogs or animals.

Pet Care and Diseases

This type of dog possesses a smooth fine coat which requires minimal grooming needs. They don’t shed too often and only needs brushing or combing once in a while. As for bathing, a specialized shampoo for dogs should be used to maintain its natural oils that serve as protection for any skin diseases.

English Toy Terrier running

Recommended exercises like short walks and runs in a short period are suggested for this active breed. A leash would be needed for security measures when going outdoors or while taking time for a walk with this dog.

They may suffer other health problems such as knee dislocation, hypothyroidism, cryptorchidism (failure of one or both testicles to fully descend) and skin diseases of which cases are brought about by their diet. But overall, this dog can be as healthy and active as it can be.


These dogs are typically small in size, with black and tan coat colors and have pointed prick ears. Their body is slightly longer than taller and has an ideal height of withers of 25-30cms, with a weight around 2.7-3.6kgs. They possess distinguished colors of black and tan markings around the chest, legs, and as well as its face.

English Toy Terrier black

General Information

The life expectancy of an English Toy Terrier is 9-13 years. The average litter size is 2-4 puppies. Other names include Black-and-tan Toy Terrier, Toy Manchester Terrier, and ETT (B&T).

Breed Club

Visit this dog club website dedicated to English Toy Terriers. Click this link: https://www.english-toy-terrier-club.com/

Featured Video

Watch this video: “English Toy Terrier Puppies”

Watch this video: “Havi – The English Toy Terrier”